Monday 17 January 2011

Use your English Blog to share information about Columbia with the class

In order to develop and understanding of the contemporary context of Chronicle of a Death Foretold prepare a 2-3 minute presentation to share with the class using your English blog as your medium. Your blog has the capability to share text, video and pictures among other things so you can get creative with how you convey your information.

For example:

Columbia won their independence from Spain in 1810 however they only experienced a brief period of freedom as it was reconquered in 1815 by the bloody campaigns of General Murillo. Simon Bolivar reliberated the country in 1820 and became the very first president.


Gabriel Garcia Marquez's fame and critical acclaim has led to friendships with notable figures such as Fidel Castro.

Monday 29 November 2010

George Orwell Essays: Blogging Instructions

Step One: Create your own blog on Blogger using your Stratford Hall e-mail account: start at When you create your blog web address, you should call it "yourfirstnameenglish11". You can create a different title for you blog.

Step Two: E-mail your blog address to me. I will then follow your blog.

Step Three: customize your blog so it looks good.

Step Four: add your first post, which will be a "casual" commentary on George Orwell's "Shooting an Elephant"

Step Five: go back to my blog (this site) and find the blogs I am following. Follow those blogs, yourself. That way, we will all be following each other.